

The Tamil Chamber of Commerce was born in the year 1944. It was momentous as wells as a crucial year for the nation. It was the penultimate year of the Second World War (1939-1945). It was a period of transition, the end of one era that of the British Rule in India was approaching and another era viz.Independent India was to usher in, in the near future. The measures adopted by the British Rule during the war had its adverse impact on the economy and the industrial and commercial community felt the need to vent their grievances in some way and get relief


In this atmosphere, with a farsighted vision and a lofty mission to serve the Commercial Community and the industry, the Tamil Chamber of Commerce was established in 1944 by the founding fathers who were greatmen, the Stalwart to usher its existence being the late Dr.R.K.Shanmugham Chetty who became the First Finance Minister of Independent India. Before he left for “Brettonwood Conference”.

Brettonwood Conference - USA

In order to achieve cooperation  on money matters, stable exchanges and expansion of international trade, forty four nations met in July 1944 at Brettonwood, the USA and discussed. The deliberations of this conference gave birth to the two World organizations namely the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank .



Though at the time of inception of the Chamber there were other Chambers of Commerce functioning in the then composite State of Madras, the need for a separate organization to protect and promote the interests of the mercantile community of Tamil Districts was keenly felt by a number of leading businessmen, industrialist exporters and importers in the circumstances prevailed at that time, especially in the context of the contemplated linguistic States which were to come up in the near future.


Though the Chamber was founded for the benefit of the business community of the Tamil Districts, in its actual functioning it has not been discriminating in its functions and is working on broad national principles for the benefits of the entire Mercantile Community, without confining to any particular section, area or State.

As an example, it may be stated that when the concessions permitting the maintenance of accounts fro Sales Tax in Gujarathi and Marwari was withdrawn by the State Government in the year 1953. Our chamber raised a strong protest to the Government and submitted a memorandum and stressed upon the serious hardship that would be caused to a large section of the merchants from North India who were carrying on business in this State.

As spokesman/mouth piece of the Organised Commerce and Industry it is of a Chamber of Commerce duty to fearlessly present the point of view in respect of official policies and programmes of the Government. Ever since the inception the Chamber has been consistently pleading that for the ordered economic development of the country and to keep the Government well informed of the Commercial and Industrial problems. Whenever occasion or opportunity arouse the Chamber has not failed to stress upon the point, the notable one being the strong plea submitted to Dr.Rajendra Prasad, President of India on 7th April 1951, when he visited, Madras for separate representative for the Mercantile Community both at the Central and at State Legislatures is essential as the trading community alone can keep the Government correctly informed the difficulties confronting it.

The Chamber has also been pleading that For the Economic Development: First and foremost, the government should cut down its own expenditure and has been persistently impressing upon them to economize its administration.


Greatmen like Sir A.Ramaswamy Mudaliar, Mr.R.M.Alagappa Chettiar, Rao Sahib Mr.V.Ramaswamy Mudaliar, Mr.Varadappa Chettiar, Rao Bahadur Mr.C.Tadilingam, Mr.K.A.P.Viswanathan and the famous T.K.S.Brothers have played a great part in the activities and development of the Chamber. There have also been many Stalwarts like Mr.P.M.Balasubramaniam, Mr.M.Kuppuswamy Naicker, Mr.A.Nagappa Chettiar, Mr.C.S.Loganathan, Mr.P.M.Garudapthi Naicker, Mr.V.S.L.Nathan, Mr.A.B.Ananthakrishnan, Mr.R.K.Varadanarayana, Mr.R.M.Dave, Dr.Nalli Kuppuswami Chetti, Mr.S.Santhanam who have headed the Chambers as Presidents and built up the organization. At present Mr.Chozha Naachiar Rajasekar is the President of the Chamber .

Our Past President, Thiru A.Nagappa Chettiar was instrumental in the establishment and development of CLRI (Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai) along with Prof.Y.Nayudamma. Mr.Nagappa Chettiar life size statue is installed at the CLRI campus, in recognition of his contribution to the great research institute.



The Motto of our Chamber is Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice which is found in our emblem.

Our Main objectives as set out in our memorandum are:

  • To promote and protect the commerce, industries and trades in India, particularly in  Tamil Nadu:
  • To watch over and safeguard general commercial interests of the Tamils, engaged in Commerce, Industries and Trades in India and abroad.

To concert measures for advancing commercial and technical education and such study of different Arts and Sciences as may tend to develop commerce, industries in Tamil Nadu.
